Grow your List
Mobile Keywords
What are Mobile Keywords?
Mobile Keywords are the short words or phrases that people send to the Shared Short Code so they can join your text marketing group. The main list growth tool in text marketing.
They’re the foremost way to capture subscribers because:
- Easy to remember and recognize
- Easy to associate with your brand
- They can segment subscribers among marketing groups by location, product, and more
Mobile Keywords are how marketing groups are broken up among each other, different keywords put people in different groups.
The Power of Mobile Keywords
When 64% of consumers prefer that businesses contact them via text messages, Mobile Keywords make it easy to do that.
Keywords are easy to advertise and place in your storefront, your website, and your social media.
So, whenever someone sees or uses this word, they think of your brand, and how they can opt-in to your marketing group.
Keywords give your company brand recognition over a phrase. There’s nothing better for brand recognition than having someone think of your company or product with a single phrase.
Segmenting Your Subscribers
Mobile Keywords double as a way to segment your subscribers into groups to use text marketing more effectively.
Different marketing groups can be based on location, product, or something else about the subscribers they have in common:
A Mobile Keyword for one store’s location, and a Mobile Keyword for another
Another keyword and group for women, another for men
One more for a specific age range, and another for a different age range
Mobile Keywords are not only a list growth tool to bring subscribers in, but also to keep them.
Web Opt-in Pages
What are Web Opt-In Pages?
BUZZY’s application lets its users create custom web pages made to capture subscriber information for your groups.
They can be embedded into:
- Websites
- Facebook pages
- Displayed on a kiosks
They’re to collect information from people like:
- Names
- Phone numbers
- Email addresses
- Location
Web Opt-In Pages capture people you wouldn’t normally capture through your keyword and shortcode. Opt-in pages are used in tandem.
The Power of Web Opt-In Pages
Web Opt-In Pages can capture the information you would need to use Data Capture to come by. With web pages, information comes directly from the source.
It’s two features in one, you grow your list of subscribers and you gather data so you know what to market after making them into subscribers.
Web Opt-In Pages will get you more subscribers online as a dedicated online spot for capturing subscriber information.
Mobile Keywords are easy to advertise, but Web Opt-In Pages reach people in places they don’t.
Web Opt-in Page Features
Fully Customizable
Add a logo, an image, your brand colors, and more to make your Opt-in page yours.
Mobile Optimized
Our pages automatically adjust to the small mobile phone screen when potential subscribers view through their phone.
Complete CSS Compatibility
You can add further customization by using Custom CSS to change the page’s experience and add greater functionality.
Social Media Compatibility
Our pages can be embedded into your business’s Facebook page and you can create custom URLs to link from social media company profiles.
What are Contests?
Furthermore, using the keyword to opt-in to one of your groups, you can create a contest to reward your current subscribers and draw in new ones.
You start a contest that’s easy to opt-in to, and it can last as long as you want with a winner every week or one to several at the end of the month.
Or you can even send the contest losers a message with a Mobile Coupon to drive them to your storefront.
It’s also possible to send a prize from our platform too, or send out links to where prizes can be received to automate the contest as much as possible.
Contests grow your list by making being a subscriber fun.
The Power of Contests
The promise of a chance at a reward pulls people in. Contests have a conversion rate of almost 34%, making it the perfect list growth tool for garnering attention and capturing subscribers.
This isn’t random, uncontrollable growth, this is your list growth comes as a result of your marketing.
94.46% of the time, people who enter contests through digital means share the promotion immediately after they register. 62.13% of those people share with a friend.
When they want their friend to take part too, you find a new subscriber.
You’re not gaining random subscribers who have no interest in your product after the contest is over. You’re gaining subscribers who would be interested in your product.
If someone’s friend enjoys what you’re selling, odds are so will they.
Reward Your Subscribers
A reward for loyalty will keep subscribers from unsubscribing.
Contests are a list growth tool to garner attention and revenue, but they are also a cheap loyalty program that builds excitement.
They can give out inexpensive rewards that don’t break up your budget, and realistic expectations that not every subscriber is getting a reward.
BUZZY has a built-in Loyalty Program that can be used in tandem with Contests to bring the most to the subscriber experience.
Discount Rewards
Add a coupon to the Mobile Contest’s entry confirmation message to start the contest off with a reward. You’ll breed loyalty in your subscribers.
Or use Mobile Coupons as a cheap prize for the winner. Subscribers have to do little to enter, and after that, that’s all they do.
More than that, when you can send them a Mobile Coupon you drive them to your storefront, losers and winners.
If you have a bigger prize for the winner, send the contest’s losers, or a number of the contest’s losers small coupons.
Reward their loyalty. This way you’ll drive them to make repeat purchases to your storefront while making them happy even though they lost.
Embedded Forms
What are Embedded Forms?
The Web Opt-In Pages that you can create on Mobiniti’s platform have the ability to be used as embedded forms.
They go on your website and collect information from visitors without taking your visitors off your web page.
This decreases the places potential subscribers need to go to opt-in, while making room for more places that can collect subscribers.
Avoid leading your visitors off your pages without making a sale. Having them leave your web page to fill out a form, whether they fill it out or not, doesn’t help with that endeavor.
When you embed forms into your web pages, you raise the likelihood of immediate purchases.